Sea Shepherd’s ship, Steve Irwin is visiting Wellington for a few days after returning from the southern ocean. I may not completely agree with their methods, but all Greenpeace do these days is hassle people on the street.

Since this was very hard to google I think it needs more links. I’ve just set up Movable Type 4.3 to use fastcgi under lighttpd. I use lighttpd because it’s (normally) easier than apache, and my VPS doesn’t have any swap - apache is heavyweight in the RAM department. However, I do have RAM to spare, so caching the perl seems smart, especially with CPU that’s probably overcommitted. It turns out you need MT-Dispatch to get it running.

TypeKit is live!

I’ve long been a supporter of getting font embedding working on the web - I’m tired of seeing Arial and Verdana everywhere. They’re pretty screen fonts, but variety is the spice of life I’m told. But today TypeKit is out of testing, ready for general consumption! This site is using typekit right now, you can see the fonts in any modern browser.


Wellington is heading in to spring again, so it’s time to dust of the camera.

Welcome to my new blog powered by Movable Type. This is the first post on my blog and was created for me automatically when I finished the installation process. But that is ok, because I will soon be creating posts of my own! read


Super bio with markdown support COOL

New Zealand